Cameron ISD to add school resource officers, offer staff childcare
The Cameron ISD Board of Trustees took another step towards better protecting it students and staff this month by approving the hiring of two additional school resource officers.
The Cameron ISD Board of Trustees took another step towards better protecting it students and staff this month by approving the hiring of two additional school resource officers.
Congratulations to Edward D. Jones, Melanie Romine as Cameron Chamber of Commerce July Business of the Month. Melanie Romine is your financial adviser at Edward Jones.
(AUSTIN) — Texas Comptroller Glenn Hegar is reminding shoppers they can save money on clothes and school supplies during the state’s sales tax holiday on Friday, Saturday and Sunday, Aug. 5-7.
The Fleur de Lis Garden Club has chosen Don and Gayle Pylant for July Yard of the Month. The Pylants live at 902 E 13th Street in Cameron. Their yard is perfectly manicured.
ArtWalk Art Supply Fund for Cameron & Milam County Artists announces they are accepting applications for anyone who is interested in continuing to pursue art. There is no age limit on who can
The Cameron Herald
P.O. Box 1230
Cameron, Texas 76520
Phone: 254-697-6671