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Milam County CPS Board seeking support for Christmas gifts

It is that time again where the Milam County CPS Board reaches out to the community to ensure  all kiddos in CPS care in Milam County receive Christmas presents on Christmas day. 

The CPS Board is grateful for the continued support and are always joyful at how much our community gives and realize just how big the hearts are of the people on Milam County. If you are already on our mailing list, you should already have received your letter. 

The board asks that folks spend $125 per child on Christmas presents. You can request a wish list and do the shopping for the kiddo or you can send $125 per child you want to sponsor, and we do the shopping. Mail checks to PO Box 425, Rockdale, TX 76567. 

Please make checks out to Milam County CPS Board.  

If you have any questions in regard to wish lists and Christmas presents, please contact Rachel Owens at (512) 429-1336 or email If you need them to pick up presents after you have purchased them, please let Rachel Owens,  Jeanie Weed, or any board member know and they will be happy to pick them up and get them delivered for you.

The Milam County CPS Board spends the entire year ensuring our children in care have their needs met. We send two clothing checks a year to each child, one in the spring and one in the fall ,as well as a birthday card that includes a Walmart gift card. 

The Milam County CPS Board is also in charge with assisting investigators on emergency removals when they need pack and plays, cribs, bedding clothing, formula, car seats, booster seats and anything else needed when they go to a safe home. The CPS Board has helped with FFA dues, providing supplies for a kiddo to build a chicken coop, emergency needed medical supplies and feeding equipment when they were denied by insurance. They have purchased cleaning supplies so some families are able to clean their home so the kiddos can stay in their home. They have assisted with bills on a case-by-case basis where it is directly related with the child’s welfare. They have assisted with school supplies and backpacks. We have assisted with diapers and wipes. 

The Milam County CPS board provides for the physical needs of children placed in care, where the state does not cover it monetarily. They usually spend around $85,000 a year. They are grateful for the $5,000 we have received in years past from the county. 

The board spends the remainder of the year fundraising to meet the needs of our kiddos in Milam County. They have averaged assisting around 150 kids every year in CPS care.

The Cameron Herald

The Cameron Herald
P.O. Box 1230
Cameron, Texas 76520

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