Thorndale ISD board hears updates from administrators
On Wednesday, Dec. 16, Thorndale ISD held a special called meeting followed by its regular monthly meeting.
Business Manager Rebecca Peel gave a report concerning the School Financial Integrity Rating System. She informed the board that the district received a 100 percent score for the fourth consecutive year.
Superintendent Adam Ivy added the fact that this was a significant accomplishment and that Peel does a fantastic job managing the district’s finances which has led to the ability to complete a number of projects while putting over $1,500,000 into fund balance over the last four years.
Following Peel the district’s auditor from the Singleton, Clark Firm gave the board a report concerning the annual audit. She informed the board that the audit went very well and that there were no negative findings. The board voted 6-0 to approve the audit.
The special meeting was adjourned at 6:45 and Board President David Hall called the regular meeting to order and led the audience in the pledges to the US and Texas flags and the invocation was given by Scott Frei.
The first item on the agenda was administrative reports.
Elementary principal Michael Young, Middle school principal Scott Frei and High School Principal Jennifer Parnham all reported the number of students that would be remaining in asynchronous instruction in January due to a confirmed medical necessity.
They reported that there will be two students on each campus that will still be utilizing asynchronous instruction for a total of six in the district.
Ivy added the fact that there will still be students that will have to quarantine and will still need short-term asynchronous instruction.
Young reported that the pre-kindergarten classes had officially moved into the building after rearranging the library to make room for intervention space.
Board member Kirk Becker personally thanked all of the staff members that helped to make the move possible.
Parnham talked about the marching bands recent state championship at the state marching competition in San Antonio.
She also introduced the High School’s new instructional aide Kimberly Blair.
School Nurse Sara Sanders gave the board updated COVID quarantine statistics and discussed the newly updated guidelines that changed the quarantine period from 14 days to 10 days. She also stated that there had still not been any documented student-to-student transmission, which goes along with the statement made by the CDC director in recent days.
Technology Director Deby Leschber updated the board on the status of the new E-rate projects and her plans to upgrade the Cat 5 cable with new Cat 6 cable in most rooms in the district over the next few years. She explained that these projects will be funded at 80 percent with the district only contributing 20 percet.
Ivy informed the board about the calendar update due to the State Band marching competition. He talked about a few masonry issues that needed to be repaired in the band hall and elementary school.
Ivy stated that the district would have a special education and dyslexia audit in January and that these audits were conducted once every six years with each school district on a regular cycle.
Ivy wrapped up his report by informing the board that the district would be taking a look at the ever increasing reporting requirements related to the state PEIMS system and how that will affect the district’s PEIMS personnel in the very near future.
Board member Kimberly Biar asked if there has been any effort to talk to legislators about the need to stop issuing unfunded mandates like the PEIMS reporting requirement. Ivy answered by stating that education groups routinely make the elimination of unfunded mandates a legislative priority.
The consent agenda was up next.
There was one question concerning new One Act Play expenses and Peel explained that Thorndale was recently elected to be the spring activities district chair and would be handling the expenses and billing all other district participants. The consent agenda was approved by Hall.
Ivy presented an annual supplement for the upcoming superintendent’s evaluation and then asked the board to consider approving a contract with Goodwin, Lasiter, Strong architects to design possible campus renovations related to safety. The board voted 6-0 to approve the contract.
A presentation of roofing and HVAC quotes was made by Ivy to be considered at a future meeting. He stated that he had at least three roofing quotes and two HVAC quotes to potentially replace these systems on the High School building which has a 20-year-old roof that has needed regular repair recently.
Ivy and Peel discussed the need to extend the Emergency Paid Sick Leave policy that was issued by the Federal CARES act. It expires at the end of January.
The board discussed this issue at length and voted 6-0 to approve a resolution to extend the EPSL due to COVID 19 through June 30, 2021, to all staff members regardless of whether they used EPSL during 2020 in the event that the federal government does not extend this benefit before it expires. This would allow for up to 10 days of EPSL for all staff members starting Jan. 4.
The board voted 6-0 to approve budget amendments #6 and #7 related to the new state reimbursement of student SAT and PSAT testing.