City Council approves renaming of OJ Thomas Park
n By Lindsey Vaculin
n By Lindsey Vaculin
The Cameron City Council officially adopted their budget and tax rate and approved the construction of a pavilion at Ledbetter Park during a meeting on Sept. 21.
The seventh death due to COVID-19 has been reported in Milam County.
Milam County Judge Steve Young announed the death on Monday afternoon.
Kayla Whitmire was named 2020 YHS Homecoming Queen. Senior candidates for this year are Ty’esha Miller, Kayla Whitmire, Alison Willoughby,, Alexys Sanchez and Emily Torres.
Milam County Commissioners approved several proclamations and heard an update from Judge Steve Young on the progress of construction on the urgent care center during a meeting Sept. 14.
The Cameron Herald
P.O. Box 1230
Cameron, Texas 76520
Phone: 254-697-6671