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Providing Sew Much Help

Cameron residents Joni Mitchan and Debbie Shuffield are using their talents to help in this time of uncertainty by sewing masks for area health care workers. Mitchan said the idea came when Tara Tucker, a nurse in the oncology department at Scott & White in Temple, posted on Facebook that they were in need of masks. She said they thought that was something they could do and the idea just spiraled from there. They have completed 100 masks so far and are currently working on making 25 for the Scott & White Clinic in Cameron. They have also made masks for home health workers in the area and the Cameron ISD staff that are handing out meals to students. They said the community has been very supportive of their efforts with people donating materials. Shuffield said they both sew and this is helping her to pass the time away from her job at Cameron Elementary where she misses not seeing her students at this time. “This is relaxing for us and a way we can make a difference,” Shuffield said. They are also offering masks to any cancer patients around town who might still be going for treatments or appointments and need one. If you have a way of spreading cheer during this time and would like to be featured in the Cameron Herald send a photo and short description to and we would love to get you in the paper.

The Cameron Herald

The Cameron Herald
P.O. Box 1230
Cameron, Texas 76520

Phone: 254-697-6671