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County Commissioners approve grant measure for hazard mitigation

Milam County Commissioners approved several grant measures during a meeting on Monday.

Commissioners approved a bid from H2O for the Hazard Mitigation Plan grant application. The plan is required by the state to be revisited every five years. The mitigation plan lays out the basics of county plans with regard to risks to life and property.

Commissioners also approved resolutions for the MCSO for a body cam grant and a lease agreement with Capps Rent A Car for the Milam County Sheriff’s Department.

During the meeting Commissioners honored Susanne Gelner for her 25 years of service to Milam County. Susanne works in the Milam County Clerk’s office. 

County Judge Bill Whitmire also mentioned during his report that a few solar projects have asked for abatement extensions.

He said there are six projects in various stages of construction with three others in the preconstruction phase. As of this week, three of the other projects still in the planning phase have reached out for abatement extensions. 

“We have met with one of them, but we have informed them all that going forward, prior to any extensions being considered, there will have to be a Public Hearing held in a location near the project site,” Whitmire said. “For instance, one of the projects is south of Thorndale so when the time comes, the public Hearing will be held in Thorndale.”

He said the public hearings will be held at night to allow people to attend.

Whitmire has also said the election for the ESD, to be held in the correct manner, will take place on the November ballot in conjunction with the biennial state constitutional election. This “re-vote” has to happen as the original election did not include all five county municipalities as well as the county as it should have. 

In other business the commissioners also: approved the disbursement of funds to the Rockdale Train Depot; took action on several variances and premit requests; approved the final plat for Bent Oak Ranches; approved the purchase of a backhoe for Precinct 4; approved a radio for the Precinct 4 Constable; tabled discussion of HOP services until it can be discussed with cities and school districts; approved the purchase of  a truck and trailer for Precinct 3; and approved July 3 as an extension to the July 4th holiday.

The Cameron Herald

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