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10th COVID-19 case announced

Milam County Judge Steve Young announced the 10th case Of COVID-19 in the county.

"We were called today by a local health care provider advising of a 10th confirmed case of the virus in the County. This is a local resident who was tested locally," Young said. "However, the person self quarantined shortly before the test and the test was done over 10 days ago. The person is home and is recovering. Thus, we hope this person will make a full recovery."

"Currently we have six persons that have recovered from the virus, three are currently self quarantined and one is hospitalized in intensive care," he said "The 10th case is not related nor does the infected person live in the vicinity of the three infected employees that worked at the Cameron Dairy Queen. The Cameron Dairy Queen voluntarily closed yesterday due to the infections. All of the 20 plus employees will be quarantined to make sure no one else is infected."

The Cameron Herald

The Cameron Herald
P.O. Box 1230
Cameron, Texas 76520

Phone: 254-697-6671
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