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JUDGE: Supporting Texas Search and Rescue

This week in Commissioners Court we passed a Proclamation making May 21-26 Search and Rescue Week here in Milam County. 

During my 14 years in the Navy, Search and Rescue was a significant part of what I did as a Naval Aircrewman. Whether shipboard, in a helicopter, or aboard a fixed-wing aircraft; SAR missions were often some of the most fulfilling as you were not only helping the injured or lost, but their families and loved ones as well. With that, the Milam County Commissioners Court are happy to recognize this week as Search and rescue  Week.



WHEREAS, in 2022 there were 47,670 missing persons reports in Texas with 12,842 of them being adults and 34,828 of those children.


WHEREAS, communities across Milam County and the state of Texas are impacted by missing persons, lost loved ones, and deceased family members due to criminal activity, mental health problems, medical issues, or natural causes; and


WHEREAS, Search and Rescue resources bring closure and aid in the reunification of families; and


WHEREAS, Search and Rescue professionals, perform flood and swift-water rescues, evacuations, technical rescues, locate missing children and endangered adults, and meet many other needs of the community, 


NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Milam County Commissioners Court proclaims the week of May 21st as SEARCH AND RESCUE WEEK; and offers its thanks to all of the first responder agencies and Search and Rescue agencies that support and work tirelessly on finding those who are lost and bringing closure to the families of the missing.


Dated this 22nd day of May 2023

Bill Whitmire

Milam County Judge





The Cameron Herald

The Cameron Herald
P.O. Box 1230
Cameron, Texas 76520

Phone: 254-697-6671