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This is dangerous - stay home if you can

Make no mistake – the coronavirus is a dangerous killer.  

Remember this is a novel virus and there is no cure. Many that contract the disease spend days in ICU with pneumonia and some do not survive.  It attacks the young and the old. This is a highly contagious virus that can be spread by people who are not symptomatic.  The numbers go up, not down, every minute in countries all over the world, in the United States, Texas and in Milam County.

What can you do? Stay home!  

The only thing we can do at this point is to prevent the spread of the virus.  If you don’t have to get out, don’t.  If you can work from home, do so.  If your medical treatment is elective, cancel it.  If you have symptoms of the virus, call your doctor and follow their orders. Do not get out and get sick and/or infect someone else. Your conduct may determine the fate of your neighbor.

With all of this in mind, last Thursday I signed an emergency disaster order, which is probably the first ever such order in Milam County for a pandemic virus.  

The purpose of the order was and is to prevent the spread of the virus.  Thus, we eliminated social gatherings of ten (10) or more; closed schools; created a 9 p.m. curfew; closed the county services to the public and we strongly urged everyone to stay at home.  Governor Abbott issued a similar executive order for the State of Texas the same day as well. 

We will keep you posted as to all current events regarding this matter by every means we have including the radio, newspaper, emails and social media.  

Your county medical department and emergency management director are on top of the matter and are ready to help.  Should you need something, call (254) 697-7000, which is the main number for the county and the operator will direct your call.

The Surgeon General warns that this could be the worst week yet!  So do your part, heed these warnings and stay at home.  Protect yourself and your fellow man!  This is a very dangerous situation!





This is dangerous - stay home if you can

The Cameron Herald

The Cameron Herald
P.O. Box 1230
Cameron, Texas 76520

Phone: 254-697-6671